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Social Capitalism


It’s inside me.

I feel it, I think I need some help.

My thoughts, they’re not my own…

I didn’t use to feel this way, 

Where are you at?


Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

Come and watch over me.

Save me like you’ve done so many times before.


I don’t know why i keep falling back,

There’s just too much temptation.

I see all these other people and I think

Well, if so many other people are doing it,

Then it can’t be that wrong.

You can’t damn all of us.


But is that the wrong way to feel?

Is that the wrong way to think?

I’m starting to believe that maybe this is a one-on-one sort of deal.


…and in the end

It doesn’t matter what they want me to do.

In the end, its all between me and you.

If they jumped off a bridge

Is that what you would want me to do?

It’s what I’ve heard all my life,

But now i think i only want you.


That stuff they buy… that stuff they buy and waste their money on,

man it looks so cool


Is that why you bless us with money?

So we can go blow it on every little thing that we don’t need?

Is that why you bless us with a family and a house and good friends

And good family and good fortune?

So we can just go wash it away? Flush it down the toilet?


That is a sin. 


And i see that now Lord.

Father, I won’t do that again.

I refuse to give in to this social capitalism

I refuse to give in to all this commercialism

I will remember you for who you are and what you have done for us

Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior, I am sorry.

And I will pray for the day that everyone else can see this too.


The Longest Winter


In the darkness I scream

In the shadows, He waits for me

Captive by regrets from my past

But they tell me His love will last


Grabbed a book and then I looked for God

Oh, the feeling was so odd

The last time I’d flipped through a bible’s page

My spirit ran at such a tender age


And in my darkest hour, the most scared I had been in so long,

I called out for help in the only way I knew how

And something answered to the name God. 

And after that, I would see these flocks of birds fly over to protect me

When I started to doubt things

I would go on to call these my “God birds”

And they watch over me still today


In the darkness I scream

In the shadows, He waits for me

Captive by regrets from my past

But now I know that His love will last


His love will last


Johnny Jesus


Johnny Jesus is walking home from school

Got his lunchbox, happy veggies on the side

Johnny don’t want to bother anyone

But sometimes he’s just got to hide


See, Johnny’s confused, don’t know what to do.

His friends at church tell him to preach it out loud.

But then he gets to school, and others call him the fool.

They’d beat him up just for the crosses in his eyes.


His mom and dad, they love him so much

When he gets home they reach to give him a hug

And then it’s family time around the dinner table

Maybe later, a verse about some brothers named Cain and Abel


Johnny Jesus is walking home from school

Got his lunchbox, happy veggies on the side

Johnny don’t want to bother anyone

But sometimes he’s just got to hide


The Creeping


Jesus! I can feel them creeping up behind me


I turn left and I look right

I turn and turn till I lose sight

If it’s day or if it’s night

I can’t escape, I cannot hide! 


They look me over and pick at me like birds

Sniffing out anything that hurts

I try and try to curb my vices -

The little things they use like ice picks

To chip away at my soul

And turn this work of art to mold

That’s not pretty and no one would take,

That even God can’t believe he made


Don’t give them anything to latch on to

You’ve got to try to purify yourself

Too much of anything makes a good thing a bad thing

But no matter how hard things get, no matter how much it hurts, 

Don’t forget that God does some of his best work

In the dark


Jesus! I can feel them creeping up behind me

Jesus! I can feel them creeping up behind me


New Day


Well it’s time to know where you are, where you’ll go

So hold tight, don’t be afraid

To let the sun rise

On this new day


It’s yours, don’t hold back, don’t let ‘em get you down

On this new day


Don’t let them steal your energy

You only have so much to get you through the day

And you need every bit that you have

The moment you let them take that energy from you 

Is the moment you let them win

The best thing you can do is make like it doesn’t even bother you

And they’ll get bored and move on

I’ve seen it hundreds of times before

Just let ‘em go


You’ve got a bright future!

I wanna’ see it shine

I wanna’ see it shine


You’ve got a bright future!

I wanna’ see it shine

I wanna’ see it shine


Upon a Star


One day I wished upon a star and something sent you down to me

A girl to love and hug and squeeze is what I asked for, please oh please

But nothing could prepare me for what was to come the following years

Days full of joy and hope and love, and oh yes, let’s not forget the tears


We had some coffee and we had some tea, and I think I remember a taco for me

We went to the playground and then I got sick, all night at the hospital with me you would sit.


It was then that I looked into your eyes and knew that I would be the one who’d end up marrying you.


We listened to some records underneath the stars, a song about a girl who wished to travel to Mars. 


I made some tortelini and we listened to swing, you let me kiss you deeply and it made my heart sing.


Could this be for real?

Did God actually get my memo?

Is this the girl that is EVERYTHING that I asked for?


A few years later and we said, “I do.” I’d been many places, now I’d been there with you. We talked some big talk about having a kid, then a little down the road, guess what… we did!


She’s pretty and she’s sweet (she gets that from you,) but those pretty little lashes, I put those there for you.


I know it gets hard, it gets stressful sometimes, just remember that I’m yours and that you’re always mine. 


You’re always mine.

You’re always mine.


We Fight


We fight to go to sleep at night

We fight to rise the next sun

We fight to move one foot forward

We fight to encourage the other


And then it happens

The door creaks open and the light pours in

And our tired eyes fight to squint


Still we move on

Got to keep moving on

Knowing that something more lies ahead

Knowing if we can keep hold of each others’ hands

We’ll be okay


Knowing if we keep our hearts open to God,

We’ll be okay

Knowing that with love

We will be okay




2014 - The Frigid EP (demo)

2014 - The Snowflake Babies EP (4)

2016 - The Snowflake Babies EP (7)

2017 - The Science of Spirit LP 

All lyrics, music and related imagery copyright 2014 Steven Baker for Dozing Lady Records. 

Publishing by Halo Earth Music (ASCAP)


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